“For everything there is a season,” a friend told me as we pushed strollers through the neighborhood. I had just moved back to Washington State with a 6-week-old baby after living in the New York Metro Area for four years. Every single day, I held my daughter, read child development books, and tried to ignore the voice that told me I’d never get a job again. My life had moved fast living on the East Coast; a life that included a demanding job, business school at night, planning a long-distance wedding and constant travel for work and fun. That is until September 11, 2001. I had just returned the night before from a work and family trip to Seattle. It was a before and after for me, as it was for so many. I could have continued climbing the corporate ladder, after all I was a few months away from my graduate degree, but the weeks after that day changed me profoundly and a transition was required. I had to let go of so much of who I was in order to reach for this unknown part of myself. I had to trust my own voice that it was time to make a big change.
Professional coaching is about learning to trust your internal knowing, your intuition, because the boundaries between work life and personal life have become so blurred it’s getting harder to know where one ends and the other begins. It was easy for me, relatively speaking, to be All-in when I was a young corporate professional. The layers of life hadn’t needed to be integrated quite yet. Through all the transitions though, the times where those layers were added and then subtracted, I have come to a place of gratitude for these seasons, but also recognize the value of alignment of both my personal and professional purpose, values, and intentions. One can be very successful by being All-in within one domain of life, and I would argue that it can be a requirement to launch something new like starting your career, family, or business. It can also be true that one can be successful stepping back and prioritizing life’s joys and responsibilities and setting intentions in a way that incorporates many domains of life. The idea that we have a work and personal life is not relevant anymore, we have one life. Coaching can help you identify your passions, values, and purpose in a way that incorporates what is most important to you right now, aligning your increasing or decreasing roles and responsibilities. It is looking at your skills, strengths, and values, and developing a personal strategic plan that is based on your highest life intentions.